DVD back cover with full DVD details:

“More Singaporean flavour than a pot of curry” – 8 Days
“Humorous and relevant takes on our society” – The New Paper
“Hooray, Hosaywood!” – Mypaper
Hosaywood DVD details: Includes 5 exciting short films – Tak Giu (Kick Ball), Zo Peng (Go Army), Zo Gang (Go Work), Zo Hee (Make Movie), and the new 2011 film Kwa Giu (Watch Football).
Special features: Bloopers & bonus footage, Director’s interview, Director’s Notes, Behind-the-scene photos and more!
The DVD is now available at:
1. Kinokuniya
Takashimaya, Orchard Road Singapore
Buy online: https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/8886437300133
2. Objectifs
56A Arab Street, Singapore 199753
Order online here or email [email protected] or call 6293 9782 to get your copy.
3. Books Actually
1. Read Mypaper’s review here.
2. 8 Day’s review.
3. TimeOut Magazine’s feature.
4. Anutshellreview (Singapore’s #1 Movie review blog) review here.
5. SindieOnly’s feature (Singapore film blog)
6. The Kent Ridge Common’s feature on Hosaywood DVD
Download the Hosaywood DVD Press kit here.