Best of First Take 2007

Nice crowd at Best of First Take

Best of First Take 10 Dec 07 Kristin with Fai, winner of Audience Choice Well done organisers!

The Substation Theatre was again filled to capacity for the Best of First Take last night, marking the end of the weekend celebrations of Moving Images’ 10th Anniversary. Audiences were able to vote for their favourite film after the screening, and Fai won most votes with his film ‘Bob’.

Zo Gang and Zo Hee received good response, and we look forward to screening it again. An actor from another film said he was crying laughing while watching it.

We also got the audience to say ‘Hosay!’ for the Hosaywood ‘commercial’. Watch out for it soon!


  1. kbkb band 4-eva

    i really enjoyed the “hosay!………….LAH” segment. your films are funny, real & memorablelikeheavymetal. wo men yong yuan hui zhi chi ni

  2. hey jacen. good work on the film. i think kristen said it best. you have the ability to distil the essence of The Substation into something that’s compact, true, and completely hilarious. Zo Hee has something for insiders and outsiders alike. well done, man.
    dont stop working


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